In a sign of Miami’s ascension as a cryptocurrency capital, relocated its U.S. headquarters to the Magic City. The architecture, interiors and landscape are inspired by the industrial vernacular of Wynwood, the local artistry of the neighborhood and the subtropical climate of the region. Blockchain’s building, a.k.a. CUBE, was designed from the inside-out to tell a story about sustainability in an art-centric urban context. The project has a total gross floor area of 90,735 SF, divided between 35 work/live units on the upper floors and 7,780 SF of ground floor retail. In keeping with Floridiana style, the ground floor features a completely voluntary 30-foot wide passive breezeway which runs the full depth of the building and terminates in an open-air office-lobby with a nine-story tall breeze block wall. A composition of porous concrete masonry units, the breeze block wall provides protection from the elements, while still allowing light and air to pass through. Above the ground floor retail, each of the seven levels of offices has passively-cooled circulation corridors by the natural convection of air flowing through the breeze block. A Japanese restaurant serves the rooftop terrace.