The SeaWorld Aquatic Park master plan project included architecture and landscape design for a 555,000 Sqm water park.
The Arrival Plaza extends across the road linking the Entertainment Centre and Commercial Street. The plaza is intentionally left open to reinforce the dynamism of the architecture. The plaza comprises high quality local granite with led strip lights and large Ginkgo trees framing the northern edge. The Entertainment Centre landscape environment is unrivalled. Palm trees and other tropical plant species fringe and enclose patrons within the crystal-clear waters of the facility. The interior environment is abundant with recreational and passive amenity facilities. Artificial rockscape with pockets of lush planting provide a contrasting landscape palette to the exterior environment. Plant material cascades over the meandering lazy river and softens the water ride facilities. Interior level changes provide visual interest and viewing terraces over the interior landscape. These terraces have seating areas which are serviced from the F&B outlets.
Commercial Street was designed as an internalized streetscape. The paving geometry is a reflection of the overlapping roof forms which have a series of oval water features which spin through the retail precinct and emulate the form of the Entertainment Centre. The geometric paving is designed within a modular system reflecting the roof pattern and is finished with high quality local granite in contrasting shades of grey. The reflective water features are planted with islands of tall black bamboo. The reflective quality of the water provides a strong visual interest and the oval forms of water are framed with curvilinear seating.