The Hamptons redevelopment is a new community that sits across the street from the new Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, CA. With 992 apartments in total each building is composed with a series of interlocking cubes. Several facades shift forward or backward with respect to the other. Varying dimensions at each window opening, create a message of relaxed informality within the order of the cubic volumetric arrangement. There is a nostalgic hidden story in the combination of windows. They recall the voids that once existed in early computer cards.
Cars are concealed by rising berms that reach the green roof over the parking structure. Greenery enters through a series of tributary valleys that reach a central canal. The canal functions as a swimming pool, reflecting pond and cistern. It visually unifies the village of buildings and creates a geographical reference point. The common amenities open to the Junior Olympic-size swimming pool and run parallel along its axis. From the surrounding landscape the garage is not visible. The combination of liner buildings and landscaped berms creates the effect of a village tucked into rolling hills. It is compatible with the natural landscape around the Apple headquarters.