The Pink House was intended as an urban house within a suburban context. Rigorously conceived as a study in different planes, the house is painted five shades of pink, deep near-red to pale pink, which heighten the illusionistic perspective and define the series of planes.
Although the house was initially conceived as an object standing on its own, the west facade, facing the city, is scaled down; its dimensions diminish to relate to other houses on the street in almost mathematical cadence. The east facade, designed for long- distance viewing from Miami Beach and the bay, is scaled so that it looms large. The approach is through a tropical grove which opens to a geometric landscape with palm trees spaced regularly in a carpet of pavers. The house has a precise sequence: the facade, the courtyard, and then the rooms, each framing a different view of the bay.
* Progressive Architecture | Design Citation to Laurinda Spear and Rem Koolhaas